Dr. John Sheppard | Virginia Eye Consultants | Testimonial


At Montecito Medical, our business is built around taking care of the physicians who take care of all of us. We work with physicians from coast to coast to help them build long-term wealth, save money and build stronger practices for their patients.

We invite you to take a moment and see what a leading ophthalmologist, Dr. John Sheppard of Virginia Eye Consultants, had to say about partnering with Montecito.

Watch here:

We’d love the opportunity to talk with you about maximizing the value of your real estate, both now and for the long term.

About Montecito Medical
Montecito Medical is one of the nation’s largest privately held companies specializing in medical and veterinary real estate acquisitions and partnering with providers and developers to fund the development of new properties. The company also supports providers with a suite of AI-powered technology solutions that increase revenues, reduce costs, and build physician wealth. Since 2006, Montecito has completed more than $6.5 billion in medical and veterinary real estate transactions. Headquartered in Nashville, TN, the company has consistently been named as a "key influencer in healthcare real estate" by GlobeSt.com and the editors of Real Estate Forum.

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